
Quick Start

Install CLI Tools

Requirements: clj, bb, and rain

Homebrew (Linux and macOS)

brew install rads/tools/rain

Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add scoop-clojure
scoop install rain

Create a Project

Generate files from a template with rain new:

rain new -t ssg com/example

Start the dev server with bb dev:

cd example && bb dev

View the app at http://localhost:8080.

open http://localhost:8080

Deploy to Production

Static Site (JAMstack)


  1. Go to Settings > Pages
  2. Select Build and deployment > Source > Deploy from a branch
  3. Select Build and deployment > Branch > gh-pages
  4. Click Save
  5. Set a custom domain in Custom domain > Custom domain
  6. Ensure that Enforce HTTPS is checked

Server-Rendered Site

Follow the "Production" guide at the Biff website.

What's Next?

  • Use Cases: See examples of what can be built with Clojure/Script.
  • FAQ: Find answers to common questions.
  • Architecture: Learn how to structure a web app.
  • Guides: Go in-depth on specific topics.
  • Book: Learn Clojure/Script web development from the ground up.
  • Reference: Browse docs for commonly used Clojure/Script libraries.
  • Glossary: Learn the important terms to know when working with Clojure/Script.
Built by @rads with Rain.